by Michael Biamonte, CCN.


Water is by far the most important nutrient for the human body. Next to oxygen, we need more water than anything to survive. The human body is up to two thirds water, and the average human body needs to replace two quarts of water each day.

Regular water consumption is essential for many functions of the body. It is important in helping with digestion, absorption of nutrients, regulation of body temperature, blood circulation, carrying of nutrients and oxygen to our cells and for the removal of toxins.

Water also helps with  joint movement, and protects our  tissues and organs.
Without water you can’t metabolize fats or maintain proper muscle tone.

Most importantly, drinking water will prevent dehydration, which can have detrimental effects on the body. By drinking enough water, you keep a regular flow of fluids circulating in the body so that it can perform its daily functions easily and effectively.


On my program, time and time again I see people that overlook the importance of drinking water and proper elimination.

Water consumption plays a key role for the digestion of solid foods in the body. The digestive system depends on a sufficient amount of water present to help with the breakdown of foods. An absence of water may lead to constipation.

Water is needed to prevent the feces from becoming too dry. A dry, hard difficult to pass stool is the result of not enough water. Most cases of constipation can be remedied gently by using water without any need for another laxative.

Drinking four ounces of room temperature water every 30 minutes can hydrate the colon and flush the stool out.
Hemorrhoids are the result of straining to pass a dry, hard stool. Which is usually caused by a lack of water consumption.

Anal fissures also fall into this category. Constipation, from a lack of adequate water consumption, might result in GERD or Acid Reflux. Simply increasing your water consumption will assist you on the road to wellness.

Water Consumption helps with the protection of movement of joints, and other organs and tissues in the body. In between joints in the body there is a lining of cartilage. The lining of cartilage between the joints uses water as a cushion between the bones so that the joints can move easily. If there is not enough water being consumed, dehydration can occur in these joints, which may cause arthritis. Therefore it is important to drink enough water to supply the protection that is needed for joints.

Daily water consumption can aid in protecting the gastrointestinal lining in your body, as well as various organs and tissues. It can also be very useful in protecting the spinal cord from shock and damage.

Water consumption also helps metabolize fat. It is the liver’s job to metabolize fat, and in order to do so it needs water. If not enough water is consumed, the liver takes over the job of the kidneys. When the liver takes over the job of the kidneys however, it is no longer able to metabolize fat in the body. Therefore the more water consumed, the more the body will metabolize fat.


In order for the body to detoxify, water is essential. Water helps to dilute and actually flush most toxins through the blood and out through the kidneys and stool. When someone is on a program that is detoxifying, water is needed every 30 minutes in order to assist in the removal of these poisons. Anyone on a parasite or Candida elimination program must drink water to flush the waste products and the dead debris from the Candida and parasites out of their bodies. Failure to do so will result in feeling very ill and toxic.


When the body is dehydrated it has to work twice as hard to ration and distribute the amount of available water. Usually dehydration causes many side effects on the body as well. You can produce joint pain, stomach pain and ulcers, back pain, leg cramps, constipation, dizziness, headaches as well as feelings of disorientation, and confusion.

If you are not drinking enough water, your body will start to retain it. If you don’t maintain your body’s regular fluid balance you can damage every part of your body’s physiological functions. Dehydration is not always easy to spot either. A lot of the time we don’t know when we are dehydrated, and only believe it to be when we are thirsty. This is not an accurate indicator of how much water you need.

Thirst is an indicator that your body is becoming desperate for water. You don’t water your plants only when they start to dry out, and neither should you only drink water to satisfy thirst.

In order to determine approximately how much water you should be drinking daily can take your weight, and divide it by two. If you weigh 200 pounds you than should be drinking 100 ounces of water per day. The rule is the more you weigh, the more water you should be drinking.

The mistake most people make is to drink a large amount of water in one sitting. This causes the blood volume of water to rise and therefore makes you urinate. The correct way is to drink small amounts of water frequently. Drink 4 ounces or so every 30 minutes to achieve the best hydration effect. Also, it is important to drink more water if you are exercising. When you exercise you will perspire twice as much. Therefore it is very important to keep hydrated.

It is also best to drink Room temperature water, which is known to absorb more quickly into the system than cold water. Another way of knowing if you are drinking the right amount of water is to check the color of your urine. The lighter the color the urine is the better. So take the “water challenge”. Drink the correct amount of water for your body for at least one week and see how you feel.

Email us after one week with your results!

Yours in health,

Michael Biamonte CCN.


Glossary of terms

Metabolize; The conversion of food into energy. GERD; is a condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the throat (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This action can irritate the throat, causing heartburn and other symptoms. Toxin; any of the poisonous byproducts produced by bacteria, parasites , yeasts or chemicals that are harmful to the human body. Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum Liable to discharge blood. These are often a symptom of constipation and yeast overgrowth. Anal fissure; is a small split or tear in the thin moist tissue (mucosa) lining the lower rectum (anus). Caused by straining to pass hardened or dehydrated stool. Dehydration; means your body does not have as much water and fluids as it should. Dehydration can be caused by losing too much fluid, not drinking enough water or fluids, or both