The Underlying Causes of Autism

By Michael Biamonte

In my opinion, I believe that Autism is caused by a series of genetic errors, exposure to toxic metals, particularly mercury from dental fillings and common vaccinations, poor cerebral blood flow and then the growth of candida and viruses in the body. These factors combine to create the “Autistic Child.” These are the “Steps to Autism”.

Both from my own observations and the study of thousands of lab tests of children with Autism and ADD I confidently make these statements of fact. In addition, independent researches have made these same observations independent of my opinions.

In 1984 I 1st began to consult the parents of children with learning disabilities and behavioral issues who had no obvious pathology, retardations or birth defects. Within the year of studying the hair mineral tests of at lease 12-15 children, I begin to observe that almost all the children had elevated levels of several different toxic metals. After developing vitamin- mineral detox programs for these children and implementing then over the period of 6-8 months not only did the test show a great improvement, but the behavioral issues dramatically improved as well. This was my 1st actual experience with the relationship between toxic metals and these unexplained behavioral problems in children that were just be labeled “Autism” and “Attention Deficit Disorder.”

As time has progressed, I observed that Autistic and ADD children will typically test positive for Candida Albicans overgrowth and other types of intestinal imbalances. It is has been found that Candida and other intestinal organisms can release neurological toxins that can effect memory and moods. I feel that this is a component of Autism and adds to the cognitive issues that Autistic children demonstrate. In the mid to late the “boom” in the diagnosis of Autism may be directly coincidental to the increased use of Mercury containing vaccinations. “Thymerisol”, is the mercury containing preservative found in vaccinations that have been found responsible for a large amount of mercury burden found in children. Dr. Rashid Buttar has done considerable mercury detoxification of children with Autism. Dr.Buttar treated his own son for mercury related Autism and has effectively cured him. He brought his son with him when he spoke before the United States Congress on the relationship between mercury and Autism. His son testified in front of congress and became youngest person ever to do so. Dr. Buttar explains his position on his website as such;


It is generally accepted that autism is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Researchers are investigating a number of theories, including a possible link between heredity, genetics, and medical problems. Although there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities in many families, researchers have not yet identified a single “trigger” that causes autism to develop.

Highly controversial is a potential relationship between autism and the mercury in thimerosal, a preservative used until recently in many childhood vaccines. Some argue that in children whose systems cannot expel the toxic metal, brain damage results. A 2001 investigation by the Institute of Medicine concluded that the “evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship…between MMR vaccines and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD).” The committee acknowledged, however, that it could not rule out the possibility that the MMR vaccine could contribute to ASD in a small number of children. More research is warranted


Autism is a spectrum disorder, the symptoms of which can appear in a wide variety of combinations from mild to severe. Individuals with autism may have trouble initiating and/or maintaining a conversation, talking “at” others in a sort of monologue. Autistic children also may have sensory integration problems, with their senses over- or under-active. Aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior may be evident in some cases.

According to the CDC, categories of problems that may appear in an individual with autism or another ASD include:

Social skills:

Individuals with ASDs may not interact with others normally, make eye contact, or express empathy. Children may resist being held or cuddled and may not notice when others try to engage them in conversation.

Speech, language, and communication:

About 40% of children with ASDs do not talk at all, and others have echolalia, meaning they repeat what was said to them. Gestures such as waving goodbye may be misunderstood, pronouns may be confused, and they may talk too loudly or softly without knowing it. Those with ASDs may have trouble listening, instead delivering a “speech” about a favorite topic.

Repeated behaviors and routines:

ASD individuals resist change and cling to routine so they know what to expect. Some may repeat actions over and over again.


Children with ASDs develop at different rates in different areas of growth. For example, they might have large delays in language, social, and cognitive skills, while their motor skills may be similar to other children their age. They may excel at solving puzzles but may be unable to make friends or easily carry on a conversation.

According to the Autism Society of America (, autistic persons may exhibit some of the following characteristics:

  • Insists on sameness; resists change.
  • Has difficulty expressing needs; uses gestures or pointing instead of words.
  • Repeats words or phrases in place of normal, responsive language.
  • Laughs, cries, shows distress for reasons not apparent to others.
  • Prefers to be alone; aloof manner.
  • Has tantrums.
  • Displays difficulty in mixing with others.
  • May not want to cuddle or be cuddled.
  • Engages in little or no eye contact.
  • Is unresponsive to normal teaching methods.
  • Sustains odd play.
  • Spins objects.
  • Displays inappropriate attachment to objects.
  • Is over- or under-sensitive to pain.
  • Has no real fears of danger.
  • Displays noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity.
  • Has uneven gross/fine motor skills.
  • Is unresponsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf, although hearing tests are normal.


Because there are no medical tests for diagnosing autism, a diagnosis must be based on observation of an individual’s communication, behavioral, and developmental characteristics over a period of time. Autistic behaviors may or may not be apparent in infancy, but usually are evident in children 24 months to 6 years old. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) lists these five behaviors that may suggest further evaluation:

  • Does not babble or coo by 12 months.
  • Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months.
  • Does not say single words by 16 months.
  • Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months.
  • Has any loss of language or social skills at any age.

Several screening instruments have been developed that also may help diagnose autism, including the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT), the Autism Screening Questionnaire, and the Screening Test for Autism in Two-Year-Olds.

The Steps Explained

The child is born with Genetic errors. Autism begins with a set of genetic errors which result in an inability to excrete toxic metals from the body. Normally the body will excrete toxic through pathways in the body the involve sulfur compounds and different nutrients. However the genetic errors commonly found in Autistic children interfere with the ability to release toxic metals. These children have been called “Non-execrators”. While there are several genetic errors cataloged in Autistic children, the 2 most common that I have seen are designated “EPHX”, “MTHFR” and MTRR. The Gene errors, MTHFR and MTRR are ones that interfere with the body’s use of B vitamins in the sulfur detoxification pathways. “EPHX”, is a specific gene error that causes the inability to excrete toxic metals and chemicals.

  1. The child is vaccinated with mercury containing substances and acquires silver amalgam dental fillings. The mercury that he has now been exposed to begins to cause neurological damage. It also aggravates poor cerebral blood flow. Autistic children may also be born with genetic errors that affect that “vascular integrity”. Examples are “MTRR” and “MTHRF”. These gene errors not only hinder detoxification of mercury but they also cause a predisposition to vascular weakness. Poor blood flow to the brain and nerve tissues cause cognitive disorders and make it more difficult if not impossible to “heal”
  2. The child receives antibiotics and develops candida albican and a general state of “Dysbiosis”.” Dysbiosis” is a state of imbalance between helpful friendly micro-organisms and harmful ones in the intestines. Candida is known to cause neurological and cognitive problems. It also can damage the gut lining can “leaky gut syndrome”. This “leaky guts syndrome”, allows incompletely digested proteins and chemical residues from food, drink and the environment in general, to enter the blood stream and cause allergies and chemical sensitivities. This worsens the cognitive problems, causes inflammatory responses which the vascular problems and compounds all the previous issues we have discussed.
  3. Unfortunately as a result of all the problems above, the child will develop host of vitamin and mineral deficiencies which complicate things. In addition when the child is given vitamins and mineral they can often cause a worsening of symptoms due to allergic reactions to them and the interactions between the toxic metals and the nutrients.

The Confusion

When you treat a child with Autism, they may intermittently worsen! When you remove toxic metals from the body the person feels temporarily poisoned. When you kill candida the dead debris from the candida cause an allergic reaction referred to a “Herxhimer reaction”, which makes the person feel ill. Parents treating the child for the true underlying causes of Autism often must endure periods of the Child’s symptoms appearing worse as a result of the detoxification.

The Long Range Treatment Plan

  1. Candida and Leaky gut conditions should be treated first. This is because Candida interferes with the absorption of vitamins and nutrition needed to heal the body. Candida can also spread and multiply as mercury and other toxic metals are detoxified and pulled through the intestinal tract. Toxic metals lower the intestinal immune response and are absorbed by candida cells that then create more toxic forms of the metals. Toxic metals cam also leak back into the blood stream when one has ‘leaky gut syndrome”.
  2. Treating vascular deficiencies with nitric oxide enhances agents such as “Nitrobid” can speed the removal of candida by increase the oxygen potential of the tissue. Candida hates oxygen. Nitric oxide enhancing agents can also immediately give symptomatic improvement in cognitive symptoms.
  3. Detoxify the mercury and other heavy metals! This may take up to several years to remove. Particularly in the child who is the “non-excretor”. This is the child with the genetic errors spoke of earlier. There are several treatment options available. A successful plan involves a chelator such as Dmsa or Dmps and a synergistic list of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that assist in the removal of the metals. It is very important that the patients take substances which absorb the toxic metals in the intestinal tract to prevent reabsorption.
  4. The child must be put on a maintance of nutrients to deter any the genetic errors that they are predisposed to from occurring. Many of the current labs that perform DNA testing will recommend nutritional supplements to help avert any illness or tendency for the genetic errors to manifest. This is very important as the Autistic child, as his genes are not going to change. While the conditions that lead to Autism can be reversed, the genetics of their bodies will not change. They will always be predisposed to these conditions because of their genetics.


Michael Biamonte holds a Doctorate of Nutripathy, and is a New York State certified Clinical Nutritionist. He is a professional member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists,The American College of Nutrition and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board. He is listed in “The Directory of Distinguished Americans” for his research in Nutrition and Physiology.