By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

The most common mistake in trying to regain energy in one who has candidiasis is the use of many vitamins and minerals or other exotic supplements intended to boost energy. When someone has an active yeast infection or even a virus, they become exhausted from the constant battle between their immune system and the infections. The accumulation of toxins from the infection and environment also will exhaust a person. Anyone who has had the flu or a yeast infection knows it can be tiring. Anyone who is exposed to toxic fumes, chemicals or who has suffered from constipation knows how these can also be tiring.

The solution is not to cram the body with nutrients it is not ready to accept. Giving a toxic body dozens of nutrients is to ask for trouble. One can become severely ill if they take many nutrients when they are chronically toxic. The nutrients will cause a mad, uncontrolled release of toxins which the body was not prepared to release. The result will be feeling lousy. When the body is fighting a chronic infection it is using all its energy for this purpose. Supplements may help the person feel a little better, but not consistently. Also, as stated in my previous articles, research has shown that nutrients (vitamin/mineral supplements) can spread or increase the yeast and viral infection associated with chronic fatigue.


Ninety percent of all the candida and chronic fatigue patients I have tested have abnormally high levels of the mineral copper. While I could write volumes on my experience with excess copper, let’s cover some basics regarding this mineral. Copper is stored in the liver and lymph glands and used to neutralize infections. Due to the fact that the body will retain copper to try to put out the fire of an infection and clear up its toxins, the chronic fatigue sufferer will be copper toxic. Copper does the following to the body when in excess: 1) suppresses potassium storage in the cells, potassium helps the thyroid gland produce energy in the body; 2) suppresses adrenal gland function. The adrenals act as a “fuel pump” in the body. They also help control blood sugar and allergy response; 3) blocks the functions of zinc. Zinc is involved in thousands of energy and immune-related cycles. High copper and low zinc have been found to cause depression and mental disorders; 4) suppresses iron storage. This causes anemia; 5) copper causes abnormal depositing of calcium in the soft tissues. This has been shown to depress thyroid function and cause increased viral activity.

On Phase III after Phase II (detoxification) and Phase I (killing viral and/or candida organisms) are complete, nutrients to reduce copper, support adrenal and thyroid functions and support iron and anemic factors can be used successfully.

When Phase I and II are complete, the body can then directly utilize nutrients, heal itself, and restore energy. Deficient hormone production also can be addressed on Phase III. Vitamin E, manganese, oil of evening primrose, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, pantothenic acid, Vitamin D, essential fatty acids, and proteins are all involved in hormone production resulting in energy production.

Proper testing is essential in determining the correct nutrients needed. Vitamins or minerals taken in too high of a dose or taken when not needed can cause an imbalance or deficiency of other nutrients.


In restoring energy several things must be accomplished. 1) Vitamin or mineral deficiencies or imbalances corrected. 2) Hormonal production restored and balanced. 3) Metabolism rate restored; in restoring the correct rate of metabolism, weight loss will occur.

When energy is restored, heat production by the cells of the body will increase. Calories from food will be burned more efficiently. Excess fat can be lost, being converted to energy when the metabolism rate is restored.

Many people have found their energy is actually higher on Phase III than it was before they were ever ill. The good news of Phase III is that there is energy after chronic fatigue; life can go on.

Michael Biamonte

1. Guyton, Guyton’s Physiology.
2. Watts, David, PhD. “Trace Elements.”
3. Pfieffer, Carl, M.D. “Mental and Elemental Nutrients”