Part Three
The Art and Science of Their Elimination
Compiled by Michael C Biamonte CCN

Pharmaceuticals and Parasites
W Peters wrote in the Institute of Medicine. Division of International Health. Pharmaceuticals for developing countries. (Conference proceedings, Washington, D.C., January 29-31, 1979) Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences, 1979. (IOM-79-001) p. 59-82 , “Simple improvements in personal hygiene, in water supplies, in disposal of excreta, and in housing do more to reduce or even eliminate many parasitic diseases than the use of specific anti-parasitic drugs. Also needed in the future will be new and better drugs to help prevent and control many parasitic conditions. Full collaboration of the pharmaceutical industry is essential if new anti-parasitic drugs are to be discovered. It is also necessary to strengthen the facilities for clinical trials of new drugs as they emerge.”

In a Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA (2000-11-12) called “Economic Realities Depleting Arsenal” November 12th, 2000

While resistance may be reducing the effectiveness of our medicine chest, we have another force to fear: economics.
Many drugs still effective against parasitic diseases are either no longer available, no longer manufactured, or in danger of being pulled from the market simply because they are not

economically viable, say researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at a presentation during the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in October 2000.
“Parasites are a very common cause of disease in the world but because there is no market for anti-parasitic

The Secret of an Effective Parasite Program
Herbal treatments for parasitic infections are widely available and have been historically effective if used correctly.  Over a 20 year period,  I have personally used and tested dozens of formulas and products. Freshness and quality of the herbs are often more important than the formulation. One can have an amazing formula, but if the quality of the herbs are poor, and if they are so old as to render the active ingredients,  then the product will not provide satisfactory results.
When one opens the package containing the herbs there should be a strong aromatic smell to the product. The product should not look oxidized, moldy or be disintegrating. It should not smell musty, moldy, or   chemically. They should smell fresh, vibrant, and grassy or flowery depending on the herb.
Adult parasites, commonly seen with the naked eye are typically referred to as worms. Worms may also be called helminthes, particularly in medical terminology when referring to parasitic worms, especially the Nematode (roundworms) and Cestoda (tapeworms). Hence “helminthology” is the study of parasitic worms. When an animal, such as a dog, is said to “have worms”, it means that it is infested with parasitic worms, typically roundworms ortapeworms.
Worms in general are easy to kill using the herbs. The true challenge is destroying the eggs that are being constantly laid. The eggs are almost impossible to kill due to the frequency at which they are produced. As the herbs kill the adults the eggs they have laid begin to hatch. Mother Nature loves all her babies, not just us. So the protocol must be carried out long enough to kill the eggs that hatch and to permeate the eggs as they are laid in order to kill them. The length of time is typically agreed upon as being 30 -90 days. If one does not complete the cleanse in that time period, the products they are using are either inferior or they are being reinfected.
Also antioxidant vitamins must be avoided during the 30, 60 or 90 cleanse period. The vitamins will serve as antidotes for the herbal medicines and protect the parasites from their effects. Why bother doing a parasite cleanse if you are going to revive them with vitamins!

Traditional Herbal and Botanical Treatments for Parasites

There are many herbal-botanicals that have been used for microscopic parasite infections (protozoa) and for intestinal worm infections (helminthes).  In this section we are going to concentrate on the key herbs that are generally agreed upon by most herbalists as being the most important for the elimination of helminthes. Keep in mind that there are other adjunctive substances used besides the ones mentioned here!

Black Walnut Hulls
Organically grown green black walnut extract is what is preferred by most practitioners. It is considered a powerful vermifuge agent for treating parasite conditions. Green black walnut extract is made from organically grown, green black walnut hulls. It is produced in a special way that maximizes its potency. Green black walnut extract greatly assists the removal of parasites from extra cellular fluids, such as the blood and lymph, and in organs such as the liver, kidneys, brain, heart and intestinal tract.
Several species of walnut trees grow in the United States. Two of these are native to the East – the black walnut and the butternut, also called the white walnut. Black walnut trees grow in forests from Massachusetts to Florida and west to Texas. They are hardy trees that are grown mainly for their lumber. The nuts also are harvested and sold. They have a distinctive and rich flavor, but their shell is hard and thick.
Black walnut wood is dark purplish-brown, with a fine grain and luster. It is valuable for interior finishing, furniture, and gunstocks. This wood is becoming rare.

The Black Walnut Hull contains a number of active ingredients, of which the most important are juglone, tannins and iodine.
Juglone is a brown constituent of the black walnut hull, leafs, bark and even roots. It is called a phytotoxic allelochemical. Phytotoxic means that it kills plants, and allelochemical means that the black walnut tree produces this chemical to keep other plants from growing around it. You may have noticed that vegetation under black walnut trees is rather scarce, and this is the reason. Since yeast and fungus in humans are also plants, it has been conjectured that it will work against fungus as well and it has been described as an anti-fungal in many herbal reference books. There is some scientific evidence also. Whether juglone works against parasitic infections is matter of scientific discussion. However, the NIH (National Institute of Health) writes: “Crushed unripe walnut hulls have been used for generations in various types of folk medicine […] to treat fungal, bacterial or viral infections such as herpes or warts. External applications of walnut also kill ringworm, and Chinese herbalists use this substance to kill tapeworm.”

Since we suspect that juglone is the most important ingredient in black walnut hull tincture; and since it can quickly oxidize whereby the tincture becomes less potent, we have developed a laboratory method to monitor the concentration of juglone in our black walnut hull tincture.

Tannins act as a defense mechanism in plants against pathogens, herbivores, and hostile environmental conditions. The antihelminthic properties of tannins have been shown in scientific studies. Tannins are described to be antibacterial, anticancer, antidiarrheic, antihepatotoxic, chelator, antihypertensive, anti-tumor, cancer preventive, anti-ulcer. Unfortunately, little scientific information can be found about it.
Iodine is widely used as an antiseptic in medicine. It works by attaching itself to the pathogenic bacteria and thereby killing them.

Artemisia annua
The species of wormwood known as Artemisia annua has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of fevers and malaria for many centuries. The active antimalarial compound known as artemisinin was isolated by Chinese researchers in the early 1970s. Since then research has focused on artemisinin and its semi-synthetic derivatives such as artemether and artesunate. These drugs have become established as safe and effective antimalarial drugs which have particular value in the treatment of chloroquine-resistant parasites. However, a group of German scientists have focused their research effort on the use of the whole herb, particularly when taken as an infusion with boiling water. The motivation behind this research is to understand the value of the traditional use of Artemisia annua for the treatment of malaria, because this application could readily be adopted in poor countries such as Africa where the semi-synthetic drugs are relatively expensive.

How it works!
This herb interacts with the iron found in the cancer cell, the parasite or the yeast organism. This creates “oxidative stress” or “free radical” activity in the Parasite, Cancer cell or Candida/ Yeast cell which kills them!
It is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Artemisia contains the toxins thujone and isothujone which are the components that kill parasites. It also contains santonin which is known as a remedy for parasitic diseases.  It is the second bitterest herb known to man. It also contains sesquiterpene lactones, which work similar to peroxide by weakening the parasites membranes therefore killing them.
A research team investigated the clinical efficacy of an Artemisia annua tea in the treatment of subacute malaria in Africa. In an uncontrolled study, 48 patients received the tea for 4 days (5g dried leaves infused in 1 liter of hot water). After the treatment, 92% of patients had no detectable parasites in their bloodstream and there were significant improvements in subjective symptoms in 70% of the treated patients
Recent use of Artemisia annua, or more specifically artemisinin, as an anticancer agent has been studied. This development is based on the finding that cancer cells have a much higher

concentration of iron than normal cells. (It is thought that artemisinin interacts with iron to generate reactive oxygen species (free radicals) which kill the malaria parasite.) Tests on cancer cell lines have established that artemisinin is also selectively toxic to cancer cells, presumably because their higher iron levels result in cytotoxic effects following free radical generation after contact with artemisinin. This is why antioxidant vitamins should be avoided while on the parasite cleanse. The same mechanism holds true in Parasites, Cancer and Candida/Yeast.

A small evergreen tree, pyramidal, trunk soon divides into large branches covered with a smooth grayish bark; leaves large, entire, oblong, lanceolate (always bright green color), which stand in pairs on short foot-stalks, when bruised very fragrant. Flowers grow in bunches at the end of  the branches.
At the start of the rainy season long greenish buds appear; from the extremity of these the corolla comes which is of a lovely rosy peach color; as the corolla fades the calyx turns yellow, then red. The calyces, with the embryo seed, are at this stage beaten from the tree and when dried are the cloves of commerce. The flowers have a strong refreshing odor. If the seeds are allowed to mature, most of the pungency is lost. Each berry has only one seed. The trees fruit is usually about eight or nine years after planting. The whole tree is highly aromatic. The spice was introduced into Europe from the fourth to the sixth century.
The finest cloves come from Molucca and Pemba, where the trees grow better than anywhere else, but they are also imported from the East and West Indies, Mauritius and Brazil.

In commerce the varieties are known by the names of the localities in which they are grown. Formerly Cloves were often adulterated, but as production increased the price lowered and fraud has decreased. Cloves contain a large amount of essential oil which is much used in medicine. When of good quality they are fat, oily, and dark brown in color, and give out their oil when squeezed with the finger-nail. When pale color and dry, they are of inferior quality and yield little oil. Clove stalks are sometimes imported, and are said to be stronger and more pungent even than the Cloves.
Clove trees absorb an enormous amount of moisture, and if placed near water their weight is visibly increased after a few hours; dishonest dealers often make use of this knowledge in their dealings, and the powdered stems are often sold as pure powdered Cloves.
The most stimulating and carminative of all aromatics; given in powder or infusion for nausea emesis, flatulence, languid indigestion and dyspepsia, and used chiefly to assist the action of other medicines. The medicinal properties reside in the volatile oil. The oil must be kept in dark bottles in a cool place. If distilled with water, salt must be added to raise the temperature of ebullition and the same Cloves must be distilled over and over again to get their full essence.

The oil is frequently adulterated with fixed oil and oil of Pimento and Copaiba. As a local irritant it stimulates peristalsis. It is a strong germicide, a powerful antiseptic; a feeble local anesthetic applied to decayed teeth, and has been used with success as a stimulating expectorant in phthisis and bronchial troubles. Fresh infusion of Cloves contains astringent matter as well as the volatile oil. The infusion and Clove water are good vehicles for alkali’s and aromatics.

Cloves have been reputed by researcher Hulda Clark PhD, as being highly effective in killing the larva or egg stage of the parasite.
For parasite cleansing, it is necessary to use fresh cloves that have not been irradiated. Most spices are irradiated with 35,000 the amount of radiation permitted in a chest x-ray. This is ostensibly done to eradicate bacteria, but spices are generally excellent bactericides so the irradiation is merely a way of destroying the precious properties of spices. Non-irradiated spices are available from most high-end health foods stores, and we, of course, carry these spices.

Cloves are among the most antibacterial spices known, but as we all know, a few cloves go a long way. Those with some familiarity with herbal medicine know that clove oil is also used to numb pain due to dental infection; but few know that part of the reason clove oil works so well is that it alleviates the infection. Cloves are antiseptic, bactericidal, and antiparasitic.
Cloves are among the most potent and volatile of herbs and have been known to melt through their capsules. They have a similar affect on parasite eggs in your body and this is why you will need them. They specifically target all parasite eggs in your body and are used during your program to prevent reinfestation.

Cloves contain caryophyllene, and tannins which are powerful anti-microbial properties – these components are what actually travel in the bloodstream killing microscopic parasites and all parasitic larvae and eggs.  Cloves do not kill the parasites – cloves contain the chemical “eugenol” which melts the hard plastic-like casing around parasite eggs. This allows the larvae inside of the egg to be destroyed.
Eugenol is among the most powerful anti-microbial agents known. Eugenol kills all microscopic protozoa and removes parasite eggs in every stage of development
Cloves are tremendously effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies and other parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi including Candida. Cloves also destroy pseudomonas aeruginosa, all species of shigella, staph and strep…
Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is fossilized, single celled organisms called diatoms. Diatoms walls consist of two parts and contain a mineral called silica. Under a very strong microscope, diatoms have very sharp edges.

“DE”, as it’s abbreviated, has the neat quality of killing insects. (Unfortunately, it kills good ones, like bees and ladybugs, too, so its use shouldn’t be indiscriminate.) It is 100% ecologically safe to the environment and non-poisonous to man and beast. In fact, if you’ve eaten anything made with flour (like Bisquick), you’ve eaten DE. DE is a great remover of parasites and intestinal yeasts

It works by physically scraping and by tearing into them outside membrane as if they were being attacked by thousands of tiny knives.  It consists of the broken up shells of tiny critters, called diatomes, that lived long ago and died in groups so massive that they can, today, be mined and bulldozed.

DE works by slicing open the exoskeleton (outer, hard covering) of insects, causing them to “bleed” to death. (Actually, their insides leak out, they dehydrate and die.) This same things happens to yeasts and parasites

When DE is sprinkled on the ground, on an ant mound, or mixed with grains, legumes, etc., it slices and dices the insects that walk through it And it won’t hurt YOU when you ingest it, ’cause the ‘sharp pieces’ are too small to cut you as your membranes are too thick for it to penetrate. (Many farmers deliberately mix DE with animal feed to kill internal parasites in farm animals. The DE in the animal feces even kills the fly maggots that invariably appear in the patties.)

Castor oil
Castor oil, when encapsulated and frozen, will pass through the stomach and small intestine before dissolving. Freezing the capsule before ingesting totally eliminates the traditional cramping associated with castor oil liquid because the capsules dissolve in the ileum, the last three fifths of the small intestine. Here the digestive tract hydrolyses this oil into recinoleic acid which whilst harmless to humans is deadly to parasites. The ileum connects to the cecum by way of the ileocecal valve and the majority of parasites of all kinds will nest in the cecum area ( the lower end of the ascending colon where the large bowel begins ). This area is warm and moist, providing a plentiful source of fresh food for these poisonous invaders.
Castor oil not only suffocates parasites but is nature’s penetrating oil for colon plaque. When the castor oil capsule is frozen it does not act as a laxative, is odorless and will not “burp” back. Suggested dosage is 2-6 capsules every 12 hours.

So there you have it, these are the most important items in parasite elimination, when used correctly they are effective in restoring a normal balance to the intestinal tract and eliminate the “Merchants of Mayhem!”