By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

The purpose of this article will be to review several very significant risk factors of breast cancer, which are newly discovered and typically not factored in to the typical oncologist or internists approach.

The Breast Cancer patient has been found to have certain underlying weakness or nutritional imbalances. These make one more prone to this ailment and other forms of reproductive cancers and reproductive related health problems. There have been 3 key imbalances that typically occur in the breast cancer patient. These “imbalances” are not typically taken into account by mainstream oncologists.

In an important study reported by Johns Hopkins University in the American Journal of Epidemiology, women were first measured for their estrogen and progesterone levels and then placed in two separate groups to monitor their susceptibility to cancers. Findings proved quite interesting:

A test was run for 40 years. They found when the group with the “low progesterone” was compared to the group with “normal progesterone”, the low progesterone group had (approximately) 5 1/2 times the risk of breast cancer.

Further conclusion was that “low progesterone” participants encountered a ten-fold increase in deaths from all types of cancer, compared with the “normal progesterone” group. A saliva hormone test can reveal imbalances of the free form of our reproductive hormones. It is also a less expensive and more conveniently acquired then blood test.

Another underlying imbalance has been researched observed by David Watts PhD from Trace Elements Inc. Dr.Watts has reviewed the hair trace mineral reports of thousands of women. He has found that elevated boron, copper, calcium levels with lower levels of zinc occur in women with breast cancer. Boron and copper seem to make the body more sensitive to the effects of estrogen and less responsive to progesterone. Calcium excess in the tissues acts as a thyroid antagonistic. It decreases the activity of thyroid hormone in the cells of our bodies. Zinc aids in the production and utilization of progesterone.

This “pattern” will make women less progesterone responsive and more estrogen sensitive.

A gene, called P53 is thought to be the most frequently mutated or altered gene in human cancer (S. Jenkins, 2002, Robert V 2000 , Werner H, 1996). Gene P53 requires zinc in its and if it is missing the gene becomes mutated, resulting in its inactivation or suppression (Kihara C, 2000). Dysfunction or alterations in the P53 gene have particularly been documented in head and neck (eg: esophageal), and gynecological (eg: breast) cancer patients (Ishiji T, 2000, Kihara C, 2000, Zachos G, 1998, Borresen AL, 1995). This would make zinc deficiency a possible risk factor for breast cancer independent of copper levels etc.

There are several elements that suppress zinc that are considered toxic. Mercury, nickel and cadmium, all considered toxic metals, can suppress zinc in the body. This indirectly means that if one is toxic in these elements, they can lower ones zinc level and therefore alter gene P53.

These elements are commonly found elevated in medically ill people due to exposure to chemicals and pollutants in the environment.

The results of various animal studies on D-glucarate indicate that this plant extract may be effective in inhibiting cancer during the initiation, promotion and progression phases. Beta-glucuronidase is an enzyme found particularly in the colon. It is produced there. It has been implicated in both colon and breast cancer.

The studies have demonstrated that D-glucarate suppressed beta-glucuronidase activity in the blood, liver, intestines, lungs, skin, and bladder. In studies on breast cancer in rats treated with D-glucarate, tumor growth and development were significantly reduced or inhibited. D-glucarate has also been shown to inhibit the growth of transplanted rat prostate tumor and reduce the levels of a tumor marker for prostate cancer. Calcium D

Glucarate also lowers serum estrogen levels thus reducing the risk of estrogen related cancers. Beta-glucuronidase will elevate in the colon when constipation is present or when there exists a deficiency of normal intestinal flora. This is a common imbalance in those who complain of chronic yeast infections or intestinal yeast overgrowth. This can make constipation and yeast conditions indirect causes or contributors to breast cancer.

A Urinary Indican test is another way to determine ones risk factor for intestinal flora disturbance. Indican is a measurement of toxicity in the bowel. This would predispose one to D- glucarate deficiency.

Anti-oxidants vitamins have been well documented to protect against all forms of cancers and to protect the breast tissues in particular. A new and simple urine test called the “Oxidata test” is now available to measure the levels of antioxidants vitamins in the body. This test can be performed monthly while dietary and anti-oxidants supplements are introduced are adjusted. This serves as a quick and easy way to determine the levels of these protective nutrients.

Stool and urine testing is offered by several laboratories’ to measure these levels. The combination of saliva for hormones, hair mineral analysis and urine or stool to measure D-glucarate and beta-glucuronidase levels and antioxidants can be a reliable way to monitor ones risk for breast cancer.