By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.


Hair loss can have several causes and underlying reasons. In this article we will briefly examine the most common ones.

There are 2 kinds of hair loss. One that involves scarring of scalp tissue due to inflammation and tissue destruction and another which involves no scarring.

Skin problems like psoriasis can but rarely cause hair loss.

Hair loss as a result of scarring can occur from infections, either bacterial or fungal, that travel deep into the skin. Other infections or tumors can also cause scarring. Little hair growth can be hoped for if scarring is present.

Keep in mind that sudden and severe hair loss is usually due to acute stress or a sudden toxicity or poisoning to the body. Chronic hair loss is commonly due to hormonal and nutritional factors or a slow chronic toxicity. Toxicity causes hair loss because the toxins interfere with the nutrients and hormonal substances that help hair growth. Some toxins interfere with the glands or organs that govern these nutrients. They may also damage the hair follicle.

Care should always be taken in washing and massaging the scalp so as to remove oils, dead skin and other debris.

These material can clog the follicle and interfere with hair growth.


The same yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections can cause hair loss. This yeast lives in the intestinal tract and is normal in small amounts. Antibiotics, stress, high sugar diets and other factors can cause this yeast to overgrow out of control. Both Candida and Parasites rob the body of nutrition. They live in the intestines and eat our food. Further, they prevent your body from absorbing vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary for hair growth.

The correct parasite and candida elimination program can many times reverse the hair loss problem. However many candida and parasite programs fail. You must make sure that the program you are doing is effective.


A common cause of hair loss is low thyroid. The thyroid gland produces hormones that help spark our metabolism and keep our body temperature normal.

If our body temperature drops even slightly below what it should be, many chemical reactions in the body either stop or slow down. Among these chemical reactions are those involved with hair growth and health. Hair loss is a major symptom of low thyroid.
The new thyroid protocol that I have been developing has been very successful in restoring thyroid function. Unfortunately, in some cases, thyroid hormone medication is needed. Even if this is the case, the thyroid protocol assists the body in using the hormone medication. In many cases, without taking the thyroid protocol, the medication works very poorly. This is because the body is lacking important nutrients that naturally work with the hormone to help it carry out its actions.


Zinc, iron, B vitamins, essential fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients are responsible for hair growth. If these deficiencies occur ,for whatever reason, hair loss is likely. These deficiencies can result from many of the problems referred to in this article as well as poor diet.

Dr. David Watts of Trace Elements inc. has recently observed that magnesium deficiency is commonly found in hair loss.

Proper testing of urine, blood and hair (to reflect tissue levels) is important to assess nutritional needs. Guessing by symptoms can fail miserably. An excess of a nutrient can sometimes create the same symptom as a deficiency of that same nutrient. This is why testing is so important. Many years ago, I experimented with questionnaires to evaluate deficiencies. I found them to be useful tools, but not accurate enough to rely on.


Progesterone is a female hormone that is essential for proper thyroid function. As a result, a deficiency of progesterone can lead to or worsen a thyroid problem. A women suffering from hair loss should note if it worsens or only occurs at certain times of the menstrual cycle.

Testosterone is known to be responsible for male pattern baldness in men when it or its helpers (receptors) are too high.

Testosterone has been used to treat lack of libido in men and women, bone loss and it encourages muscle gain and fat loss. However, it should be taken only if found deficient by testing. Many natural substance are now being used that help the body naturally produce the hormone on its own. I do not recommend the use of synthetic hormone medications.


Both estrogen and copper are antagonist to zinc. Zinc deficiency has long been recognized as a factor in hair loss.

New vitamin formulations have recently be developed that help the body lower copper and balance estrogen. We have used the supplements with very good success.


Stress has been associated with hair loss for many years. During times of extreme stress, the body loses large amounts of vitamins, minerals and protein ( in the form of nitrogen) in the urine. This sudden loss of nutrients has been thought as a factor in hair loss. The stress may be caused by illnesses such as scarlet fever, it may follow pregnancy or other illnesses.

During times of stress cortisol levels also increase. Cortisol is a hormone produce by the adrenal glands. It has many important functions. However, in excess, I believe that it can trigger hair loss as well as bone loss. If cortisol is found elevated by saliva testing, a protocol does exist that will normalize it. So far, this program has been 100% successful.


One of the most common causes of hair loss I have seen in my 15 years as a health practitioner. Yet, it remains unknown and unseen by mainstream medicine.

Lead, cadmium, mercury, iron, aluminum and copper are the most common causes of hair loss. Other elements such as manganese, chromium, arsenic, titanium amy be involved. Lithium and selenium toxicity have been well documented as causative agents in hair loss.

Toxic metals usually do not appear in a blood test unless the person is suffering with extreme poisoning. However they will show in the hair or finger nails if the person is suffering with slow, long term exposure to the metals. This is the most common type of exposure.

Toxic metals are referred to as heavy metals. They do not easily move out of the body and will accumulate in the joints, bone, liver and other organs and glands. They need to be removed by taking specific vitamins that drive them out. Hair testing has been recognized by the EPA as an effective means of testing for toxic metals. Testing is the key factor in understanding how the body is being effected and what should be taken to correct the problem.

Both poor hair and nail growth and hair loss can be caused by toxic metals. Many hobbies and occupations involve exposure to toxic metals. Examples are: painting, arts and crafts, electrical work, soldering, jewelry repair etc. Any activity that involves working with metal filings or dust can result in toxic metal overload.


Chemical toxicity from various sources can contribute to hair loss: chemotherapy therapy, thallium compounds ( rat poisons) and other medications. Always check with your pharmacist to see if your medication can be causing your hair loss.

The list of chemicals that may cause hair loss would be a mile long and not definite. However, I will list chemical agents that could possibly cause hair loss.


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There are detox programs that can address each toxicity. A general detoxification program can be done to address any and all of them.

My experience has been that most hair loss can be corrected but only if the correct causes are found. There is no one magic pill that corrects it regardless of what is wrong. Proper testing will discover the reasons why. Then the correct treatment can be used.

Many times improvements can occur in just a few weeks, so there is hope!