By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

Throughout the last few months, I have been engaged in research into HIV and AIDS, looking for possible hidden causes which current funded research had not found or considered; and of course, looking for solutions. During this research I’ve come across many books and much information. In this article I will explore the most fascinating and possibly the most revealing of all the data I’ve encountered in the past few months of research.

To you, the reader, the information which you will now read might appear to be incredible. You may ask yourself, why hasn’t this been discovered with all the millions of dollars being poured into AIDS research? The only answer I have for you is that it took established medicine approximately 350 years to accept the fact that Vitamin C deficiency caused scurvy. It took many, many years for established medicine to finally see that it was a deficiency of Vitamin B3 that caused the dreaded disease known as pellagra. And yes, there are many other examples of incredible time lags before medicine observed what was obviously observable to others.

I’m afraid I can’t give you any other answer than that. I hope that will suffice.

Through my research I have encountered a book written by Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D.. The name of her book is The Cure For HIV and AIDS, with sixty case histories. This article will serve as a sort of book report. I am going to give you information contained in her book in a simple fashion to explain it, along with my own observations from my own clinical practice, which I feel bears out what Dr. Clark is saying.

Dr. Clark’s theory is that the HIV virus and AIDS is caused by a single parasite. This parasite is called the human intestinal fluke. In Dr. Clark’s research, she has identified this parasite in nearly everyone who has HIV and AIDS. Dr. Clark has tested these people for both the parasite and for HIV. Dr. Clark then will put these people on a program of specific and particular herbs in a very fresh form, for approximately 7 days. These herbs are specific to kill this parasite and its eggs.

After the 7 days, Dr. Clark rechecks these people, for both the parasite and for HIV. And, as far as I can tell, in every case, all the patients were then found to be clear of the parasite and to no longer have the HIV virus.

As best as I can tell from Dr. Clark’s research, she has found that this parasite, the human intestinal fluke (which was once thought to be a rare parasite), appears to both carry and support the HIV virus. According to Dr. Clark’s research, within 48 hours after this parasite is killed, the HIV virus simply leaves the body.

Now, right there, that is a lot to digest. That is pretty outstanding in itself. You may be immediately asking yourself why has nobody else discovered this? Well, there are certain reasons why. First, this parasite is relatively hard to detect, unless one has an extremely fresh stool sample. After approximately two hours, both the egg and the parasite will no longer be recognizable on a slide under a microscope. This would explain why, perhaps, no one has ever found this parasite, or linked it to the HIV virus.

The other matter is that this parasite is not necessarily thought to be all that common. This parasite will normally go through its life cycle in a snail, meaning once the parasite enters the snail, its eggs would go through a developmental period which would last quite some time. During this time the eggs would go through certain stages of development. When they hatched into adults, they would then be able to enter the human body.

In her research Dr. Clark has found that nearly everyone with HIV is infested with this parasite. She has also found that this parasite and its eggs are contained in quite a lot of different foods, mainly flesh of all kinds, particularly cattle. Somehow, cattle have become infected with this parasite, which appears to be carrying the HIV virus.

This would explain how people who are not particularly in a high-risk group for HIV or AIDS could suddenly become HIV positive. If they are unfortunate enough to consume any type of flesh which is carrying this parasite, and if they are unfortunate enough to have this parasite go through its developmental stages–meaning, its eggs go through their growth stage to eventually hatch in the body–they will then have this parasite in their system and the parasite will then let loose the HIV virus. As I said, this explains to me why some people who are not in any high-risk group would become HIV positive.

If this parasite is normally found in snails and needs to go through its developmental stages in snails, and has now found its way into our food supplies and obviously into human beings who are now carrying the HIV virus, why is it that it is able to go through its life cycle in a human being?

Now, that’s a very good question. Because even if the parasite does carry the HIV virus, and even if its in the food supply, and even if it gets into a human being, according to traditional parasitology, this parasite should not be able to go through its life cycles and hatch its eggs in a human being, and then infect you.

In most cases, from the literature I’ve read, authorities on parasites say that this particular parasite, if not in an adult form, which would be found in a snail, could not get into your body and infect you in its egg-like form. Because after a human being consumes the eggs, these eggs would normally pass out of the body well before they were able to hatch and begin to grow into adults. So then we have to ask ourselves, if this is all true, how is it happening? Why is it that these eggs are able to hatch in the body?

Dr. Clark’s research has found that chemical toxins in our environment, particularly those referred to as solvents, have the ability to prematurely break down the eggs of these parasites, and allow their eggs to hatch faster, therefore allowing the eggs to be hatched in our bodies.

Examples of solvents would be particularly things that would be called benzenes. Benzene is a class or type of solvent which has the ability to break down fat or dissolve fat. Any chemical substance which breaks down or dissolves fat could be referred to as a solvent. Solvents are in everything. They are used in processing foods; for instance, ice cream, frozen yogurt and desserts of that nature are loaded with solvents, as solvents are used in making the fat and the cream more homogenized. Solvents are needed to dissolve any fats and make a product more mixable so that it might whip or be more creamy. Solvents are also found in different personal care items such as hand cream and shampoo. Many substances have solvents. Solvents are used in the processing of different items, because the solvent helps to mix and extract the substances out of the raw material, and therefore make the product. If one wanted to make olive oil, one could use solvents on olives. The solvents would break down some of the fats in the olives, allowing the oil to come out of the olives. That’s a simple example of how a solvent would work.

What I find very interesting is that in the gay population, gay men engaging in anal intercourse will use lubricants in order to achieve intercourse. A gay man will cover his penis with some kind of lubricant in order to make the penis easier to insert his male partner’s rectum, and then perform intercourse. If we look at the mechanics of what is happening here, we’ll find a startling but simple fact. The penis is being inserted into a rectum. In the rectum we find fecal matter and parasites. The lubricants that are being used are almost entirely solvents. Therefore, when the penis covered with the lubricant/solvent enters the rectum, the solvent is then free to dissolve any eggs of any parasites which may happen to be in that other man’s rectum. The end result is that both men are now exposed to parasite eggs which are now being coated with solvents, which are also breaking down parasite eggs, and allowing the eggs to hatch and release the parasites which now carry the virus.

This is a simple illustration of what may be going on throughout the gay community and why gay men appear to be so at risk for HIV.

This parasite, the human intestinal fluke, seems to have a liking for certain areas of the body. It seems to like to go in both the vaginal area or the penis, and the thymus. This is even more interesting because the thymus gland is the gland that makes T-cells. In Dr. Clark’s research she states that she feels that the human intestinal fluke, once in the body, can travel throughout the body in its different developmental stages. When the parasite gets to the thymus gland, it may invade the thymus gland–in other words, burrow or dig right into the thymus gland–and then mature into an adult. As an adult, it now has the ability to release more eggs in the thymus gland. This would give us a thymus gland which is literally crawling with worms. At this point the thymus gland–and any other gland infected with worms–would find it very difficult to produce T-cells and properly function.


Any gland in the body can become infected with a worm. There are long lists of worms that infect certain organs in the body such as the liver, the heart, etc. in books on parasitology. So to say that someone’s thymus gland is being infected with a worm is not anything from Mars or Jupiter. I assure you it is most definitely from Earth. And it has been written about in books on Earth, long before Dr. Clark’s theories were ever made known.

What I find most fascinating about this research is that it appears that the HIV virus is symbiotic with the human intestinal parasite. Symbiotic means: depends on for life. This means that once this parasite is killed, the virus can actually leave the body. It would be amazing if later research finds that other viruses such as Herpes, Epstein-Barr, cytomeglia, etc., also operate in the same fashion–that they themselves are also carried, transmitted, and depend upon a parasite for their life. This would mean that we could isolate what parasites are carrying these viruses, and destroy the parasites so the viruses could leave the body easily. That appears to be the case in HIV.


In Dr. Clark’s research, after she has eliminated the HIV virus by eliminating the human intestinal fluke (which normally takes 7 days), she then begins to look at other factors which are inhibiting the person’s immune system. Dr. Clark has found that without that without giving the person any particular herbal or vitamin treatment at all, and by just getting the person to remove chemical toxins from their diets, living area and work area, and to stop using any personal care items which contain solvents, propanol (propyl alcohol), wood alcohol and various other chemicals and toxic elements, she finds that the person’s T-cells will begin to recover. Could it be that all of the expensive and highly sophisticated vitamin and herbal therapies used by alternative practitioners–which in some cases have been shown to vastly increase T-cell production and the immune system–may not be necessary at all?

Well, if we review some of the information we’ve covered thus far, we see that the parasite enters the body, which contains and supports the HIV virus. This parasite is let loose by various chemicals and toxins which allow it to prematurely hatch and develop into an adult, where it might not have normally if those chemicals and toxins were not in this person’s body. The parasite lives in a person’s thymus gland, infects the thymus gland, lays more eggs, hatches more parasites in the thymus gland, and the thymus gland now becomes damaged and infected by the parasites. Upon killing the parasite, we may have eliminated the HIV virus, but we still have our feet tattered and torn thymus-wise, due to having been infected by this parasite. It would stand to reason that any chemical or toxic overload would further weaken and inhibit the production of T-cells by this already weak and battered thymus gland. Therefore, removing all types of chemical interference and chemical toxins from the person’s environment would help the thymus gland recover faster. So the T-cells would rise on their own, without needing support from vitamins or herbs. If this turns out to be true, it is quite amazing and quite startling. And it’s a sad tribute to what we are doing in our environment.


The third predisposing factor that has been discovered throughout my research, which is very common in all people who are immune-suppressed, is mercury. Mercury is a common composite of silver amalgam fillings, which have been commonly used by dentists to fill cavities. The fact of whether or not silver fillings in the mouth leak mercury into the body has been of great controversy for several years. Information on this has appeared on notable television magazine shows and various magazines also. I have found and observed in my own practice that many people with candidiasis, chronic fatigue syndrome and HIV, have elevated levels of mercury in their bodies. It is very significant in the case of someone who is HIV positive. It is found that the mercury, if accumulated in the body, can cause a significant drop in thymus function. Mercury is usually found elevated with copper, another element which, if taken in high amounts into the body, can weaken or depress the immune system. Both mercury and copper are common metals found in silver amalgam dental fillings.

For our purposes now, we will summarize what we’ve gone over. According to the research, it appears the HIV virus is carried, in its quest for life, upon a parasite known as the human intestinal fluke. Once this parasite is destroyed, which may take only a few days, the HIV virus appears to leave the body within 48 hours. This has also been verified by P-24 tests (a blood test used by many HIV specialists which determines the presence of the virus). After the parasite and virus are eliminated from the body, it is then essential to remove all chemical toxins from the person’s immediate and life environment in order to allow their immune system to heal and their T-cell count to come back to normal. It is also necessary to remove any source of mercury, or any other element that is possibly immune suppressive from the person’s environment. The research shows that people can recover from HIV or AIDS if this is done exactly, without necessarily having to take massive doses of vitamins or herbs. This is not to say or mean that doses of vitamins or herbs would not be additionally helpful to someone who is trying to recover from HIV or AIDS, providing that the vitamins or herbs themselves are free of chemical toxins, and do not contain any toxic metals which would further depress the immune system. They would encourage healing in the body.

My current research is showing that many commercial and professionally formulated vitamin products do contain trace amounts of chemical toxins, solvents, and toxic metals–which may not be hazardous or harmful to the average healthy person, but could be devastating to a person trying to recover from HIV or AIDS.

Over the next few months myself and several other doctors will be, in group effort within our own practices and within our own research, applying the theory that Dr. Clark has put forth in her book which I have explained here in this article. If we are fortunate enough to get the same results that Dr. Clark has gotten, I’m sure this information will become quite known and quite popular within a brief period of time. And you, the reader, can say you read it here first.