The term GMO in regards to crops, animals or any other living things is not widely know by most consumers so an explanation might be in order. A basic explanation can be found at Wikipedia: A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic …
Case History No.1
Case History no.1 This is the first of a series of articles written to give you real life examples of people who have been helped at our center. We will try to give a broad cross- section of cases so you can see the comprehensive care we provide for our …
Diabetes: A Four Step Approach
Much has been written about Diabetes so this article will only address the new data available to us that I feel needs to be more broadly known by practitioners and patients. Diabetes is essentially a disease affecting the sugar controlling mechanism of the body. The pancreas is the main gland …
The Underlying Causes of Autism
The Underlying Causes of Autism By Michael Biamonte In my opinion, I believe that Autism is caused by a series of genetic errors, exposure to toxic metals, particularly mercury from dental fillings and common vaccinations, poor cerebral blood flow and then the growth of candida and viruses in the body. …
Candida Signs & Symptoms
Candida Albicans has become a household word for many health conscious Americans. Candida is a yeast that lives in the human digestive system. It has the ability to change from a yeast and become a fungus. As a fungus it operates in a similar fashion to any other fungus such …
The True Cause of Candida
Candida Albicans is a yeast that lives in our intestinal tract. It is also the yeast that causes vaginal yeast infections. It is normal to have small amounts of candida so the friendly and protective bacteria in our body called “Acidophillus and Bifidus” can use it as food. When something …