1. Only substances that are native to the earth and that are naturally occurring on the planet in the form of water, air, vegetation, soil and rock, and other life forms are accepted by the body as nutrition.
  2. Only nutrition is used by the body for repair and maintenance of the cells.
  3. At times the body may benefit from the supplementation of any substance that it also naturally produces.
  4. Not all naturally occurring substances on earth are needed by the body or can be used as nutrition. Some substances are harmful to the body and block biological systems.
  5. All nutrients are either antagonistic or synergistic with other nutrients. In higher or lower doses synergy and antagonism may reverse.
  6. The physical manifestation of a nutrient deficiency can be the same as if that nutrient is at a toxic level.
  7. Nutrients can effect the body at 4 degrees of action or levels. A homeopathic level which is mildly stimulating to the neuroendocrine system. A physiological level which is required by cells for growth and repair. A pharmacological level where the nutrients forcefully stimulates a biological or neuroendocrine pathway. And a toxicological level where the substance is in excess and overwhelms or poisons the cells or biological systems.
  8. A nutrient that is deficient may cause a toxic reaction upon introduction to the system. The nutrient must be introduced at homeopathic levels and then increased in dose until a physiological or pharmacological dose is obtained.
  9. Nutrients that are no longer required will produce a toxicological effect.
  10. Some nutrients enhance the parasympathetic nervous system others enhance the sympathetic branch. Nutrients can also be antagonistic to both of these parts of the nervous system.
  11. Synergistic nutrients can enhance the actions and the storage of each other while antagonistic nutrients detract from the actions and storage of each other.
  12. Any nutrient if taken in excess can create a deficiency of nutrients that they naturally antagonize.
  13. A nutrient that displaces heavy metals from compartmental storage will produce a toxic effect and may test weak using AK. The nutrient must be increased from a very low dose to a therapeutic very gradually.
  14. Any substance that is non-toxic may produce a toxic reaction if the biological system is toxic or disordered. It must be introduced at a homeopathic level and then gradually increased.
  15. The toxic control system is made up of the liver, lymph, spleen and thymus gland.
  16. The principle elimination route for the toxic control system is the colon. If the colon is congested all other detoxifying systems will back up and cause toxic overload. Improvement will not come about and negative reactions will occur.
  17. Toxic metals will hide in tissues if the toxic control system is unable to mobilize them. Therefore toxic metals can be suddenly released as overall health is improved.
  18. Toxic metals will hide in the tissues if the toxic control system is unable to mobilize them. Therefore toxic metals can be suddenly released as overall health is improved.
  19. Due to mental and physiological considerations, toxic reactions will tend to subside 3 days after antagonizing nutrients are discontinued.
  20. A biological system that is toxic from indogenus or exogenous toxins or wastes cannot utilize nutrients until the system is detoxified.
  21. The immune system and neuroendocirne systems cannot function when nutrient deficiencies are present.
  22. The more nutrients that are consumed the less the body will absorb. In extreme deficiency it is best to give only those nutrients which are the most depleted first, before using complementing nutrients.
  23. The more frequently a food is consumed the more easily an allergy to it may develop.
  24. Biological systems will adapt to the stimulatory properties of herbs and nutrients. Therefore sporadic use can produce more consistent response.
  25. A worsening or improvement of a symptom may be a positive sign. No change is an indication of slow or no progress.
  26. Allopathic drugs can temporarily mimic or control biological functions, but because they do not contribute to the growth and maintenance of a cell they cannot restore natural homeostasis.
  27. Allopathic drugs can alter biological pathways while nutrients enhance the competency of biological pathways by allowing natural homeostasis to occur.
  28. Radiation and drugs remain in trace amounts in fats cells and tissues. They can effect the person mentally and physically.
  29. Biological system that is infected by microorganisms cannot properly detoxify, utilized nutrients properly or achieve hormonal homeostasis until the infection is resolved.
  30. A germicide that will produce a herxhiemer or toxic reaction will AK weak in the body. It must be introduced at a homeopathic dose an increased as tolerated until a therapeutic dose is obtained.
  31. All microorganism have the potential to develop resistance to germicides. Therefore germicides must be taken for no longer then 7 days at a time then discontinued and a new germicide introduced. This is called a rotation.
  32. Certain microorganisms are protected and nourished by B vitamins and antioxidants therefore antioxidants will inhibit their elimination.
  33. Protein is stimulator to the endocrine system.
  34. Fats are sedative to the endocrine system.
  35. Carbohydrates can be either stimulating or sedative depending on how much insulin is released.