By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

Several years ago I wrote an article about my research into Dr. Hulda Clark’s approach to HIV. Dr. Clark had just written a book entitled The Cure for HIV and AIDS

Dr. Clark’s theory was that a parasite commonly found in snails, called the human intestinal fluke, was the carrier of the HIV virus and was responsible for transmitting the virus from person to person. The virus could be easily transmitted by the microscopic eggs of the parasite through saliva, urine, blood and stool

Her theory was that the virus itself was not a human virus but a virus belonging to the parasite. Being such, it needed its parasite host to live. If you were to kill the parasite, the virus would die. Dr. Clark found that everyone of the hundreds of HIV patients she examined had the eggs of this parasite in their system. Dr. Clark found that these parasites liked to invade the thymus gland which is where the body makes T-cells. She also found that the ingestion of benzene, a common solvent found in many personal care items would cause the parasite eggs to hatch quicker than normal because it would digest the outside of the egg, freeing the parasite. In her research, she also found that benzene would suppress T-cell production

Dr, Clark used her own unique electronic testing to determine the presence of the virus in the body and also did some HIV antigen testing. She confirmed that her patients tested negative for the HIV antigen after doing her program.

Her program consisted of a parasite cleanse and a strict avoidance of many personal care items, household cleaners, foods and drinks that may contain the offending chemicals.

I supervised hundreds of people through her program. Most found her program impossible to do. However, those who did follow it, even those that followed it poorly, did improve tremendously. In addition to the improvements, we did obtain approximately 30 cases of HIV antigens moving to negative after doing the program.

Keep in mind that the antigen is different from the antibody. All HIV screening tests involve the HIV antibody. The antigen is something that is tested at a later point to get an idea of the activity of the virus and if it is spreading.

Around this time, the new HIV viral load test became available. The viral load test was billed as the most accurate test for the virus. The test measured the exact amounts of DNA of the virus in the blood. The test was designed to be used in cases where new HIV treatments were being tested for effectiveness. It was supposed to be the definitive “word” on the virus’ activity. I had many of the antigen negative HIV patients go for the viral load test. To my horror, none of these patients had test scores in the negative range, which is what I was expecting. I spoke to one of the developers of the test for several hours one night by telephone. I explained to him the research I and Dr. Clark had been doing and the results of the vital load tests on these patients. Very graciously, he consoled me into confronting that Dr. Clark’s program was not making people HIV negative. It was surely helping them, but not making them negative.

At this point I went back to the drawing board. I remained level headed enough to see that while Dr. Clark’s program may not be making people HIV negative, it still was helping people a great deal, so there were things right about it and truth to be had in it.

Driving to the office one morning, I listened to a fellow colleague’s radio show. He was interviewing a researcher who had cured Lyme’s disease using colloidal silver. Silver was used in the late I 800’s and was a cure for infections and syphilis prior to antibiotics. The effectiveness of silver ties in how small you can make the silver particle. The smaller it is, the more effective it will be as it can enter any germ and kill it.

In the old days, they were not able to make the silver small enough to allow its passage into all germs, thereby killing them. The silver being produced today can be made so small that the particles can enter any germ. This has made it equal to, and in some cases, more effective then antibiotics. The silver particles are so small, and the actual of silver in the product is so little, that there is no known toxicity for these products.

The researcher mentioned that he had tested silver against HIV in a test tube and it had killed it. I then had the idea to try silver on these HIV patients and monitor them with the viral load tests. I was careful to only use silver that had been tested by independent labs and had its effectiveness verified. In addition to the silver, I gave them some other supportive factors. After 6 months of working on this protocol, it was completed.

The 1st step: is the use of a parasite cleanse. In further research, I found data from the 1800’s that hypothesized that parasites create an environment in the body that was conducive to viral infections. The theory was that the parasites would invade an organ, gland or tissue. They then would begin to release wastes into the surrounding area. These wastes, of which ammonia is one, would create a biochemical environment that both attracts and is favorable to viruses This could be what Dr. Clark had observed. Rather than the parasite hosting the virus, the parasites create a more “livable” environment for the virus.

The 2nd step: is the introduction of the colloidal silver and olive leaf extract. The olive leaf extract is a natural protease inhibitor. This substance is able to slow down or stop the virus’ ability to replicate or duplicate itself Olive leaf was one of the first natural protease inhibitors discovered.

Along with these 2 basic supplements, we also add a program of other natural anti-virals. These are used one at a time for 4 days, stopped and then the next one is used. These substances act as supportive anti-virals. They are rotated every 4 days to prevent the virus from developing an immunity or resistance to them. It is interesting to note that the virus does not show any resistance to the silver no matter how long it is used for. This is due to the extremely small size of the silver particle.

The 3rd step: involves the use of a special group of nutrients and herbs that are able to increase both the T-cell count and the T-cell activity. We did not have anyone participating in this program change their personal care items or household cleaning substances.


After several months on this program, we had many of the HIV patients go back to do another viral load test. Many of them showed an amazing increase in the test score which should be a bad indication, However, The next time they took the test the scores bad plunged 50% lower then they were originally.

Several researchers have advised me that this is because the viral test is measuring dead virus. The increased amount of dead virus is making the score go up on the first test . The test cannot tell the difference between living viruses and dead viruses. When the virus dies, its cells open up and pour DNA out into the blood, On all the following viral load tests the counts continued to drop drastically.

After an average of 8 months to 1 year on this program, 90% of the patients are reporting that their viral load tests are scoring less than 400 copies, which in English means the HIV virus is no longer detectable

The majority of these patients were not on any medications or mainstream treatment of any kind. I have noticed that if the patients are tested during a time when they have a flu or cold, their T-cells and viral load scores are temporarily worsened.

We have also found that blending extra virgin olive oil with pieces of whole lemon (rind, skin, pulp, juice and seeds) has helped patients regain lost weight and may even raise T-cells. This is, in fact, an old remedy for colds and flu’s from Italy.

I am recommending to all of the patients who have had their viral load tests change to undetectable, that they stay on the protocol for at least an additional year. The virus may still be in the body in tiny amounts, hidden somewhere deep in the lymphatic tissue. Continuing this program for another year ensures that the virus will be fully eliminated and never returned.

Future research will require that patients go off the protocol and subsequently retest with the viral load to confirm that the virus does not return. I would recommend that they retest every 3 months for at least one year after stopping the protocol.

Stopping the protocol, however, may be unnecessary. There is no confirmed or well-documented toxicity of colloidal silver or any substance that we are using.

I mentioned earlier that there has been a small percentage of people who did not respond. The interesting thing about this is those who do not respond show no improvement at all. I am speculating that their lack of improvement may come from incomplete or unsuccessful parasite treatment, or they may be getting chronically re-infected with the virus from a sexual partner.

For the over 90% who do respond, this is a very exciting discovery which mill give many people great hope.