Is Excess Copper The Hidden Cause Of Your Health Problems?

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. Copper is an essential nutrient. Without enough copper you can develop malignancies, bacterial infections, arthritis, heart diseases, neurological disorders, anemia and other disorders. Clearly having low levels of copper can cause health problems. However, excess copper (meaning an overload which is toxic to the body) is …


By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. Asthma can range from being a mildly annoying problem to a life threatening one. Allergies have always been associated with asthma and have been recognized as a trigger for asthma attacks. However some startling new research now reveals some of the deeper underlying reasons behind the …

The Connection Between Migraines And Fibroids

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. For many years I have been working with clients who complained of both migraine headaches and fibroid growths. After studying the case histories and lab results of many such patients I have observed that migraine suffers appear more prone to fibroids then non-migraine suffers. I have …

Cholesterol: Mystery, Myths And Truth

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. Cholesterol, by the mere mention of the word, is enough to instill fear in the hearts of every American. However, cholesterol is an extremely misunderstood item. First off, cholesterol is made by the liver. It is released in the blood stream, and is converted into hormones …

Nutritional Testing And Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. The purpose of this article will be to review several very significant risk factors of breast cancer, which are newly discovered and typically not factored in to the typical oncologist or internists approach. The Breast Cancer patient has been found to have certain underlying weakness or …