is a Yeast.

It lives in our digestive system.

Beneficial in Small Amounts

In small amounts, candida is beneficial because it provides food for the friendly and protective bacteria in our intestinal tract. When something kills off the friendly bacteria in our intestine, candida cells begin to multiply and can quickly become out of control.

Problems Occur When It Spreads

They can spread throughout the body to the vaginal area, prostrate, heart, lungs and liver. When this happens, people can experience a wide range of symptoms and illnesses.

Symptoms Overview

Areas That Can Be Affected

What Can Aggravate My Symptoms?

  • Hot & Humid Weather
    Because candida is yeast, which can turn into a fungus, heat and humidity can cause candida to grow and spread.
  • Diet
    Your diet can worsen candida. If you have a diet high in sugar, alcohol, starches, fermented foods, sweets, including fruits, you can experience increased symptoms because these foods feed candida.
  • Stress
    Stress can be a key trigger for candida symptoms. Your immune system will try to keep the yeast under control, but if you’re overworked, overtired, or over stressed, your immune system can’t work as well as it’s intended. This can cause an increase in candida growth and your symptoms.
  • External Environment
    If you’re living or working in an environment that causes your immune system to work hard to fight off things you’re exposed to like toxic metals, fumes, smoke, pollution, or various chemicals, it may not have the ability to keep candida in check. This will cause worsening symptoms.

Chronic Conditions

When Candida Goes Unchecked

When candida grows out of control in your body, it not only causes symptoms that can affect your life, it can also create chronic nconditions that can alter your overall health and your quality of life. Some of these conditions are:

Allergies – environmental & food
Autism & ADD
Blood sugar problems & diabetes
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Digestive issues
Estrogen dominance
Hormonal imbalances
Toxic metals
Mercury toxicity
Leaky Gut syndrome
Thyroid problems


Our unique approach. Information on how we treat candida and related conditions


More information on the conditions listed above and other health related information