High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, is known as “the silent killer.” More than 80 million Americans (33%) have high blood pressure, and as many as 16 million of them do not even know they have the condition. If left untreated, high blood pressure greatly increases your risk for heart attack and stroke. Hypertension is projected to increase about 8 percent between 2013 and 2030.

High blood pressure can affect your health in four main ways:

  • Hardening of the arteries. Pressure inside your arteries can cause the muscles that line the walls of the arteries to thicken, thus narrowing the passage. A heart attack or stroke can occur if a blood clot blocks blood flow to your heart or brain.
  • Enlarged heart. High blood pressure increases the amount of work for your heart. Like any heavily exercised muscle in your body, your heart grows bigger (enlarges) to handle the extra workload. The bigger your heart is, the more it demands oxygen-rich blood but the less able it is to maintain proper blood flow. As a result, you feel weak and tired and are not able to exercise or perform physical activities. Without treatment, your heart failure will only get worse.
  • Kidney damage. Prolonged high blood pressure can damage your kidneys if their blood supply is affected.
  • Eye damage. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure can cause the tiny capillaries in the retina of your eye to bleed. This condition, called retinopathy, can lead to blindness.

What causes high blood pressure?

About 90-95% of all high blood pressure cases are what is called primary, or essential hypertension. That means the real cause of the high blood pressure is not known, but a number of factors contribute. You are at increased risk if you –

  • Have a family history of high blood pressure.
  • Are African American. African Americans develop high blood pressure more often than whites, and it tends to happen earlier in life and be more severe.
  • Are a man, but women are at an increased risk after age 55.
  • Are older than 60. Blood vessels become more brittle with age and are not as flexible.
  • Face high levels of stress. In some studies, stress, anger, hostility, and other personality traits have been shown to lead to high blood pressure.
  • Are overweight or obese.
  • Use tobacco products. Smoking damages your blood vessels.
  • Use oral contraceptives. Women who smoke and use oral contraceptives greatly increase their risk.
  • Eat a diet high in saturated fat.
  • Eat a diet high in salt (sodium).
  • Drink more than a moderate amount of alcohol. Experts say that moderate intake is an average of one to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. One drink is defined as 1½ fluid ounces (fl oz) of 80-proof spirits, 1 fl oz of 100-proof spirits, 4 fl oz of wine, or 12 fl oz of beer.
  • Are physically inactive.
  • Have diabetes.

Researchers have also found a gene that appears to be linked to high blood pressure. If you have the gene, you are more likely to develop high blood pressure, so you should monitor your blood pressure and eliminate as many of the other risk factors as you can.

The remaining patients with high blood pressure have what is called secondary hypertension which means the high blood pressure is the result of another condition or illness. Many cases of secondary hypertension are caused by kidney disorders. Other conditions that can cause secondary hypertension are

  • Problems with the parathyroid gland.
  • Acromegaly, which is a condition where the pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone.
  • Tumors in the adrenal or pituitary glands.
  • Reactions to medicines for other medical problems.
  • Pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Most people who have high blood pressure do not have symptoms. In some cases, people with high blood pressure may have a pounding feeling in their head or chest, a feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness, or other signs. Without symptoms, people with high blood pressure may go years without knowing they have the condition.

How high is high?

According to guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC), a reading below 120/80 mm Hg is classified as normal blood pressure. Those with a blood pressure reading anywhere from 120/80 up to 129/80 are classified within a category called elevated blood pressure. Hypertension is defined as a reading of 130/80 or higher.

The classification chart is based on adults, aged 18 and older, who are not taking high blood pressure medicines and who are not acutely ill. If systolic and diastolic measurements fall into different categories, the higher category should be used to classify the person’s blood pressure status.

How is high blood pressure treated?

The first course of action involves lifestyle changes, especially for people with elevated blood pressure.

  • Start eating a low-fat and low-salt diet.
  • Lose weight, if you need to.
  • Begin a regular exercise program.
  • Learn to manage stress.
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all. Remember that moderate intake is an average of one or two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.
  • Control obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), if you have it. Many patients who get their OSA under control see improvements in their blood pressure.

Zona Plus – An FDA Cleared, Natural Treatment For High Blood Pressure


Due to the stresses of life and managing a medical practice, my personal BP elevated to 224 over 110. My parents both have a gene for HBP that involves the sodium retaining hormone “aldosterone”. Despite my avoidance of sodium, my BP was out of control. Tried many treatments from chiropractic to acupuncture and finally prescribed meds but the side effects were too much for me  to deal with. My wife found Zona plus on the internet as she was determined to find something to handle this that was non toxic and based on real science.

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My pulse is between 50 and 65.

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High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) – WEI Lab Treatment Protocol

The long‐term blood pressure is regulated through renin‐angiotensin‐ system (RAS) and renin‐angiotensin‐ aldosterone system (RAAS) by a feedback control mechanism. The liver and kidneys play a vital role in regulating blood pressure using a hormone system. When blood pressure is reduced, the blood flow to the kidneys is also reduced. The reduced blood flow to the kidneys triggers the juxtaglomerular cells in the kidneys to convert prorenin in the blood to renin which will be secreted directly into circulation. Renin will catalyze the formation of Angiotensin I from angiotensinogen which is synthesized by the liver. Angiotensin I is subsequently converted to angiotensin II by the angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) found in the lungs. The angiotensin II then binds to the receptors on the blood vessel cells. The type I angiotensin II receptor (AT1) will be become activated upon binding to angiotensin II and trigger activation of G‐proteins and protein kinase to initiate the signal transduction inducing vascular smooth muscle contractions to raise blood pressure. The angiotensin II also stimulates the secretion of the aldosterone from the adrenal gland to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water into the blood by the kidneys, while at the same time causing the excretion of potassium (to maintain electrochemical balance). This increases the volume of extracellular fluid in the body, which also increases blood pressure. Over activation of either RAS or/and RAAS can cause high blood pressure.

Declined kidney function and/or structure, or narrowed renal arteries due to atherosclerosis can cause reduced blood flow to the kidneys resulting in excess amounts of renin production. Liver injuries in patients with conditions such as fatty liver and diabetes stimulate the hepatic expression of RAS components such as ACE and angiotensin receptors. The increased levels of renin, ACE, and angiotensin receptors levels and increased sensitivity of AT1 signal transduction pathway to angiotensin II and cause over activated RAS and RAAS resulting in hypercontraction of the blood vessel smooth muscle and retention of excessive amount of water and salt leading to the development of high blood pressure.

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists are the common drugs used to control blood pressure. However, both types of drugs can cause a decrease in hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. Iosartan, a blood pressure medication used for renoprotection, can lower Hb by ∼1 g/dl after long‐term use of 50‐100mg once daily.

1)   Liver Deficiency and Vascular Hypersensitivity

A liver deficiency or injury in patients with fatty liver or diabetes can cause increased ACE, and Angiotensin receptors levels causing over activation of the RAS. Cause of the condition is Liver Yin deficiency in TCM. Patients with liver deficiency usually also have vascular hypersensitivity with a hyperactive Angiotensin II Receptors transduction pathway, which causes further aggravation of vasocontraction. The over response of an Angiotensin II Receptors transduction pathway is a condition referring as Liver Wind in TCM. Liver Yin deficiency can cause Liver Wind. Patients usually respond to blood pressure medications that belongs to ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonist.

For patients with high blood pressure caused by Liver Yin Deficiency and Liver Wind, the recommended treatments include Brown, LC Balancer and EzAir or Breez. Brown and LC Balancer nurtures the liver and helps repair liver damage. EzAir or Breez clears Liver Wind to reduce vascular hypersensitivity and the over response of AT1 signal transduction pathway. EzAir is usually recommended for patients under 50. The Breez is recommended for patients over 50. Patients can experience improvement in their blood pressure in 3 days. 2‐6 weeks of treatment is required for significant and sustained improvement. The treatment can help patients to significantly reduce or eliminate the use of blood pressure medications while maintaining normal blood pressure.

Call our office today at 866.240.8651 to order WEI Lab products or to schedule a $79 consultation with Dr. Biamonte to go over your case, symptoms and his treatment recommendations for you specifically.

2)   Atherosclerosis

The formation of plaque due to atherosclerosis can cause narrowing of the blood vessels. Atherosclerosis conditions usually develop from the lower part of the body and progress upward. The narrowing of the renal artery, nephrosclerosis, can cause reduced blood flow to the kidneys leading to the activation of RAAS. Patients usually develop high blood pressure before having heart atherosclerosis. The time frame is usually 5 years. Atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries is referred to as Blood Stasis in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The recommended treatments include CV, B2 and Qi Booster or Vigorall. CV removes blood stasis and helps dissolve the plaque. B‐2 and Qi Booster or Vigorall helps clear the waste from the plaque break down. As the blood flow resumes, the over activated RAAS will settle to normal. Patients can experience improved blood pressure in 1‐2 weeks. 4‐6 weeks of treatment is required to have significant and sustained improvement.

Call our office today at 866.240.8651 to order WEI Lab products or to schedule a $79 consultation with Dr. Biamonte to go over your case, symptoms and his treatment recommendations for you specifically.

3)   Kidney Deficiency

A kidney deficiency or injury caused by kidney inflammation, infections or chronic kidney disease can cause a reduced blood flow to the kidneys resulting in over production of renin and aldosterone. This leads to retention of water and salt causing high blood pressure. Patients usually do not respond to blood pressure medications that belongs to ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists classes and are prescribed with blood pressure medication in the class of calcium channel blockers. The cause of the condition is kidney Yin and Yang deficiencies and kidney heat in TCM. The recommended treatments include LC Balancer, Xcel and KS. LC Balancer and Xcel nurtures the kidneys and helps repair kidney damage and enhance its function. KS remove kidney heat and helps reduce its inflammation. Patients can experience improved blood pressure with 1‐2 weeks. 4‐6 weeks is required to have significant improvement

Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or kidney failure due to severe kidney deficiency may have uncontrollable high blood pressure even with the use of 4 or 5 different blood pressure medications. Additional formulas including Anemic and Formula C are required. Anemic nurtures blood and helps improve anemia. Formula C nurtures connective tissue and helps rebuild kidney structure. The combined treatment also helps improve kidney filtration and secretion of excessive water and salt. Patients can experience improved blood pressure with 2‐4 weeks. 6 weeks to 3 months of treatment is required for significant improvement with sustained results. The treatment can help patients to improve their blood pressure into the normal range with significantly reduced use of blood pressure medications.

Patients with severe CKD and a history of high blood pressure may see their blood pressure no longer high when they develop an advanced CHF condition because the failing heart is not contracting normally. Patients with such complications may experience a transient increase of their blood pressure for a short period of time as their heart starts contracting. As the treatment continues, their blood pressure will be back to normal. It may be necessary to use blood pressure medications as needed during this period of time.

Call our office today at 866.240.8651 to order WEI Lab products or to schedule a $79 consultation with Dr. Biamonte to go over your case, symptoms and his treatment recommendations for you specifically.