Axioms Of Applied Nutrition

Only substances that are native to the earth and that are naturally occurring on the planet in the form of water, air, vegetation, soil and rock, and other life forms are accepted by the body as nutrition. Only nutrition is used by the body for repair and maintenance of the …

A Summary Of Weight Loss Techniques

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. Many people are looking for magic diets and pills to burn fat. I can now report that this “magic” has been found! The key to weight LOSS is to control blood sugar. Let’s begin by first understanding how the body does this. When we eat food, …

Fat Burning Program

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. When weight is discussed, we must understand that body weight is a composite of fat, muscle, water and bone. When someone wants to lose weight what they really want to lose is fat. It is possible to lose weight, meaning fat, and drop inches in dress …

Water 101

by Michael Biamonte, CCN. THE BASICS OF WATER Water is by far the most important nutrient for the human body. Next to oxygen, we need more water than anything to survive. The human body is up to two thirds water, and the average human body needs to replace two quarts …

Your Medicine Chest Could Be Natural

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. The purpose of this article is to give you, the reader, a checklist of things that you should have in your medicine chest at home to not only get you through the cold and flu season but that can be useful the whole year round and …

Are Your Vitamin Supplements Correct For Your Body?

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N. There is a great likelihood that 30-40% of the vitamin supplements being taken by any health enthusiast are doing no good or causing harm. Before we explore this further, a basic understanding of the body is needed. The research by Trace Elements, Inc.’s Dr. David Watts, …